sábado, junho 30, 2007


"POSTED BY: XxEmO_GiRlxX on June 15, 2007, 9:03 am [ QUOTE ] you know it was fun being emo for a while but i just relized that im only 13 i shouldnt be depressed about stuff and i shouldnt want to cut myself and i sure as hell shouldnt think about commiting suicide so im just going to be myself for a while goodbye to all me emo friends on emo scene and goodbye to emo everything even though i still love emos!!!!!!! goodbye" foi disto que falámos. achei...inteligência nisto. haja alguém...

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Fui eu q pedi pa ela por este texto e ela pôs =D

Bj amiga Campos

(sim disse amiga)

Ass. Marques